Database Scripter

SQLSmart Database Scripter, developed primarily to facilitate fast and error-free SQL Server Database object scripting, is a unique scripting and change management tool with a simple and intuitive graphical user interface that provides functionality missing in conventional tools
including SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS).

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SQLSmart Database Scripter is a powerful application that, with only a single click and in just one iteration, provides the ability to generate DDL and DML (where applicable) SQL scripts for practically all SQL Server database objects like tables, views, and synonyms.

Below is a non-exhaustive list of features offered by SQLSmart Database Scripter along with samples as used in the GUI:

  • Script out any numbers of tables along with their data in the proper foreign key order
    Create Table: [HumanResources].[Department](+data); HumanResources].[JobCandidate];
  • Script out any changes to columns while preserving dependencies (indexes, defaults, etc.)
    Alter Column:[HumanResources].[EmployeePayHistory]([PayFrequency])
  • Script out varying list of individual columns, indexes, defaults, foreign keys, etc. for one or more tables
    Alter Column:[HumanResources].[EmployeePayHistory]([Rate]); [HumanResources].[Shift]([ShiftID]);
  • Script out data changes (UPDATEs and DELETEs) by ranges
    Update: [HumanResources].[Shift](1–2);
    Delete: [HumanResources].[Shift](3);
  • Script out data by ranges
    Insert: [dbo].[Person](1–15);
  • Script out stored procedures, functions, synonyms, etc.
    Stored procedure: [dbo].[uspGetBillOfMaterials]; [dbo].[uspGetEmployeeManagers];
Suppose, as part of your development work, you were tasked with generating the scripts for the following:
Using SSMS and perhaps most of the SQL scripting tool in the market:
In contrast, using SQLSmart Database Scripter, you can generate the scripts for all of the above items in one attempt:
Here are the screenshots for the steps in SQLSmart Database Scripter:
Here is the abridged SQL output generated by SQLSmart Database Scripter:

One of the interesting features of SQLSmart Database Scripter is that in many cases it allows the use of wildcards for script generation.

For instance, you can:
1. script all stored procedures whose name starts with “sp_some” using “sp_some*”.
2. script all tables whose name starts with “Employee” using “[HumanResources].[Employee*]”.
3. script all tables belonging to the [HumanResources] schema using “[HumanResources].[*]”.
4. script all tables and their data whose name starts with “Employee” using “[HumanResources].[Employee*](+data)”.
5. script all indexes whose name starts with “AK” using [HumanResources].[Employee]([AK_*]).

To get the CREATE TABLE script for “[HumanResources].[Employee]”, simply type fill in GUI as shown to the right:

Create Table: [HumanResources].[Employee];

Pick your “app” (app1 here); and
Click the “Generate SQL” button.

slider image

The above will generate the output shown on the right once the “Generate SQL” button is clicked:

slider image

Just putting an asterisk “*” in front of “Employee” will direct the application to generate the scripts for all tables whose names start with “Employee” and belong to the [HumanResources] schema:

Create Table: [HumanResources].[Employee*];

And if you need to get the data as well for the same tables, add the string “(+data”):

Create Table: [HumanResources].[Employee*](+data);

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